Top 5 Tips for a Successful Back to School Dental Visit

It’s almost that time of the year- the kids are headed back to school! You’ve checked off school clothes, backpacks, notebooks, office supplies and more from your seemingly never-ending shopping list. However, getting a back to school dental checkup is just as important for the health of your child or teen! Read on for five tips for a successful back to school dental checkup for your child.

Make Brushing and Flossing Part of Your Routine

Routines end up pushed aside during the summer when long nights and late rising times for the kids take over and vacations come around. Most households get back into a steady routine when school starts, so this is the best time to remind your children that their teeth are a big part of their everyday routine. Remember, your child should brush and floss before they leave for school, right before bed, and any time after a snack.

Download a Dental Care App

There are many different apps available through Google Play and the App Store that you can download to help your child with their brushing and flossing times. These types of apps will teach your child good brushing techniques and can even time them to make sure they brush for the full two minutes. Many come with music and motivational tips that will really help your child get into a great habit! Check out Brush DJ which is free and available on iTunes.

Alternately, if you would prefer, help your young child find a song of about three minutes length, and have them brush for the entire duration of the song.  They can do a great service to their teeth and enjoy a favourite song at the same time.

Does Your Child Need a Mouth Guard?

Fall sports will be starting up and many times practice begins weeks before classes even start. A custom fitted mouth guard is essential for keeping your child’s teeth protected from a stray ball or hard tackle on the field. If you are unsure of what type of mouthguard is needed, consult your dentist for recommendations.

Schedule a Back to School Dental Appointment

We know it can be crazy in the weeks leading up to the start of school. But make sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist to guarantee that your child starts school with a healthy smile. You may even want to check with your school board, as many require a dental exam report on your child before they can be enrolled. Your dentist will be able to pinpoint any problems and take care of them so your child starts off their school year with a terrific smile!

Roleplay the Dental Appointment

If this is your child’s first visit to the dentist, it is understandable that they may be nervous about it. First, explain to them what will happen while they are there. Make sure to address any fears they have and never make them feel bad about being worried. If you have a younger child, try role-playing the visit with them. Playing pretend will help alleviate any of their fears and get them excited about going to the dentist for a check-up or cleaning.

If you still need to schedule a back to school dental appointment or have any questions, please contact us and we will be sure to answer any questions you may have.